Many patients and caregivers dread visiting medical offices/facilities and surgery centers for various reasons. Fear, anxiety and frustration are at the top of the list.

Quite often, the first thing the patients and caregivers notice is the waiting area. 

Well, J. West Design Services takes medical offices/facilities, surgery centers and transforms them into environments that allows your patients/caregivers to feel more relaxed and comfortable, optimistic and overall confident in the medical staff.

Take a look at one of our New Jersey interior design projects, a medical urgent care center. If you know of anyone in the healthcare field that would benefit from having their medical offices/facilities and surgery centers re-designed by an expert interior designer, please share our information with them. We can also assist them with getting financing for the re-design. 

If you're looking for waiting area interior design services in New Jersey, call J. West Design Services at 908-405-1393, or fill out our online request form.